About This Project

“Extra Credit” is a series produced in collaboration by Connecticut Public Radio (WNPR) and the Connecticut Mirror.
Producer: Scott Brede

As non-profit journalism organizations, Connecticut Public Radio and the Connecticut Mirror share an objective —  to educate the people of our state about how their government works, what it means to function in a democratic society, and the importance of understanding both their rights — and their responsibilities — as citizens.

Together, we’ll dig a little deeper into some of those lessons from Civics class, like how our leaders are elected, how judges are selected, the process of passing laws in our state, and making policies in our towns. We’ll tackle related topics like explaining how the state budget adds up, or why some issues are historically controversial here in the state of steady habits.

Listen for occasional Extra Credit conversations on Connecticut Public Radio during Morning Edition (Monday – Friday, 5:00 AM – 9:00 AM) and All Things Considered (Monday – Friday, 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM).


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